Highway Department

Highway Superintendent — Leonard Johnson
Phone: (845) 985-2543
Fax: (845) 985-2647
Email: highway@denningny.gov
Town of Denning — Highway Department
1444 Denning Road
Claryville, NY 12725


The Mission of the Town of Denning Highway Department is to ensure our travelers; those who live, work and travel on the Town of Denning public roads have a safe, efficient, balanced, environmentally sound and cost effective highway system in the Town.


“The department’s goal to provide highways that are passable and reasonably safe for vehicular traffic as much of the time as possible within the limitations imposed by weather conditions and the availability of equipment, material and personnel. It is recognized that due to resource limitations and weather conditions, pavement surfaces will be snow covered and/or slippery some of the time. ”
Drivers should use caution during adverse weather conditions.

Call Out Response and Personal Readiness:

The Superintendent of Highways or his designate will monitor weather conditions and patrol Town Highways prior to 4:00 AM as needed. Call out of personnel will be initiated if weather and road conditions warrant a response. The public may report deficient road conditions to the highway office from 7:00 AM — 2:15 PM Monday thru Friday at 985-2543  After hours reports may be made to:
Highway Superintendent Johnson at 845-423-8413 or by email at highway@denningny.gov
Supervisor David Brooks at 985-2896

Highway Department Notices:

Highway Dept. Position Available

Application for Examination or Employment (docx)

Please Take Notice:

The Town of Denning is seeking to fill a vacant position in the Town of Denning Highway Department. Applications for the position of MEO are available from the Highway Superintendent at 845-985-2543 or the Town Clerk’s office at 845-985-2411. A valid and clean driver’s license with CDL endorsement is required.

By Order of the Denning Town Board
Nancy Parrow, Town Clerk
February 13, 2023

Highway crew hard at work preparing to repave our roads — August 2015

Snow and Ice Control on  highways under the jurisdiction of the Town of Denning:

Snow Policy
Resolution No. 47 of 2016
September 13th, 2016
WHEREAS, New York State Town Law § 64 grants Municipalities the authority to enact legislation concerning the property, affairs and government of the Town, And

WHEREAS, New York State Town Law § 4-1 places the responsibility for general management and control of finances on the Town Board, And

WHEREAS, the Town Highway Superintendent is charged under Town Highway Law
§ 140 with executing the statutory responsibilities which include among other things the removal of snow thereby keeping Town roads free of ice and snow during the winter season. And

WHEREAS, it is the Town of Denning’s desire to keep roads in a passable condition for all of the Town residents when possible, however, due to the Tax Cap budgetary constraints, the Town is not able to keep roads clear on a twenty-four (24) hour basis.

WHEREAS, in past years the Highway Department has implemented this policy; and

WHEREAS, the Town of Denning Town Board wishes to have a formal public policy, and

WHEREAS, it has been determined in order for the roads to be cleared for school buses and residents; a 4:00 A.M. start time if necessary; and

WHEREAS, it has been the policy of the Highway Department to continue plowing and applying abrasives to the roads when necessary until 10:00 P.M.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the snow plowing hours for the Town of Denning roads are set to begin at 4:00 A.M. and continue until 10:00 P.M., when necessary, Monday thru Sunday.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when contacted by Law Enforcement or Emergency Personnel the Highway Department will call out its plow crew after hours in the event of an emergency such as an accident or fire.

Motion to adopt and approve by Councilman Kevin Smith,
2nd by Councilman Paul Schoonmaker. Roll Call Vote:
Councilman Mike Dean AYE Councilman Paul Schoonmaker AYE
Councilman Kevin Smith AYE Councilman Gregory Vurckio Absent
Supervisor David Brooks AYE
Motion carried following a unanimous roll call vote, with one absentee.