Due to the threat of inclement weather on Thursday, February 6th Town Hall may be closed. If so, the office will reopen on Monday February 10th and resume normal business hours.
We apologize for any inconvenience.


Town Hall
1567 Denning Road
Claryville, NY 12725
(845) 985-2411

Town Board Meetings
All meetings will be the 2nd Tuesday night of each month starting at 6:00 PM. meetings at the Town Hall, 1567 Denning Rd. Claryville, NY 12725.
(See Calendar for meeting Schedule)

Town Supervisor
David Brooks
Phone: (845) 985-2411
Email: supervisor@denningny.gov
Office: Town Hall, 1567 Denning Road, Claryville, NY 12725
Mail: P.O. Box 277, Claryville, NY 12725

Deputy Town Supervisor
Gregory Vurckio

Town Clerk / Tax Collector/ Registrar / RM Officer
Nancy Parrow
Phone: (845) 985-2411
Fax: (845) 985-0188
email: townclerk@denningny.gov
mail: P.O. Box 277, Claryville, NY 12725
Hours: Monday -> Thursday 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Deputy Clerk / Deputy Tax Collector / RM Tech — Erica Benvenuto

Town of Denning Councilman
Kevin Smith
Greg Vurckio
Mike Dean
Scott Mickelson
email: townhall@denningny.gov

Highway Superintendent
Leonard Johnson
Phone: (845) 985-2543
Fax: (845) 985-2647
email: highway@denningny.gov
Town Barn, 1444 Denning Road, Claryville, NY 12725
Hours: Monday -> Friday: 6:00AM to 2:00 PM

Town of Denning Highway Department Deputy
Robert Totten

Patricia Masterson
Phone: (845) 549-0552
Email: assessor@denningny.gov
Mailing Address: 1567 Denning Rd. Claryville, NY 12725
Link to the Assessment Roll on the Ulster County Website.

Thomas McGee
PO Box 277
Claryville, NY 12725
email: historian@denningny.gov

Archived Historical Material
Unofficial Historian Facebook page

Refuse and Recycling Manager
Rich Lowe, Refuse & Recycling Site Attendant.
Phone: (845) 985-2543
Wednesday: 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Friday: 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM   (winter to 4:00 PM, December through April)

link to UCRRA Recycling site http://www.ucrra.org/recycling/recycling-instructions/

R & R Site — Hours and Fee Schedule
Tipping Fee Charges-  2024

Dog Control Officer
Jane Witthohn
Phone: (845) 985-2411
email: townhall@denningny.gov

Building Inspector / Code Officer
Karl Von Hassel
Address: 524 County Hwy 3, Halcott Center, NY 12430
Phone: (845) 254-4340
Fax: (845) 254-6005
email: hund65@gmail.com

Electrical Inspectors and Door Blower Testing
a local listing as required by NY State.
Not affiliated with or employed by the Town of Denning.
See under Forms & Permits tab, Buildings Permits & Forms

Town Planning Board
Chairman: Joseph Sibiga
Town Hall phone (845) 985-2411
Meetings: 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 PM  at the Town Hall.
Anthony Carminati
Katherine Parr
Christopher McInerney
Stephen Bobik
Travis Coddington

Town Zoning Board of Appeals
Chairman: Mark Boncek
Phone: (845) 985-2411
Kim Noble
Joy Ann Monforte
Frances Chewiwi
John Barnum

Town Ethics Board
Phone:  Town Hall (845) 985-2411
Jeanne Kepley
Jane Carminati
William Leudemann

Assessment Review Board
Phone: (845) 985-2411
Jon Parrow
Judy Sorice
William Geelan

Denning Justice Court
Jonathan Follender- Justice
Erica Benvenuto — Justice Court Clerk
Court: P.O. Box 66, 1567 Denning Road, Claryville, NY 12725
Phone: (845) 985-2100  Fax: (845) 483-8441  Alternate Fax: (845) 985-0188
email: denningtowncourt@nycourts.gov

Court Hours:
First Wednesday 10am-12pm,  Third Wednesday 10am-12pm,  Small Claims 7pm-9pm

For Fines and Penalty Payments:
Denning Justice Court
1567 Denning Road
P.O. Box 66
Claryville, NY 12725
*For Online Payments see Justice Court page*